Szkoła Podstawowa nr 9 im. Jana Brzechwy w Katowicach

40-772 Katowice

ul. Panewnicka 172

Tel: (32) 252-78-84


40-772 Katowice

ul. Panewnicka 172

Tel: (32) 252-78-84

Meeting in Turkey






14th  - 18th MAY 2012



The participants of the last Project meeting were the teachers from 8 partner schools: Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Italy, Turkey and the Lithuanian, Italian, Romanian and Turkish students.


Our Turkish hosts prepared a wonderful welcoming ceremony with lively traditional dances and songs. The guests had an opportunity to taste delicious Turkish food prepared by students’ parents.


During the meeting all partners presented the evaluation surveys conducted among the students in their schools. Teachers and students participated in lessons in Turkish school. There was a meeting with local authorities in Ankara.


Our Turkish friends organized unforgettable sightseeing trips to Istanbul, Ankara and Capadocia. They presented proudly their culture and history, they were very friendly and hospitable.


This last meeting was a summary of our Project. The teachers evaluated the effects of international co-operation: the promotion of their schools in Europe and in local environment; the awakening of students’ interest in united Europe, deepening their  regional,  national and European consciousness; their increased motivation for foreign language learning and the attractive ways of gaining knowledge; encouraging teachers to develop their professional skills; exchanging various teaching methods; promotion of the latest IT technologies in education; making both students and teachers more active and integrated.